until Tokyo Olympics

Aug 23, 2014

The Rio Olympics will start the volunteer registration.

The 2016 Rio Olympics will start recruiting volunteers on 28th this month.


Acooding the website, the volunteer-related schedule is as follows;

And the types of volunteers are;

<General volunteer>
Event Services

<Specialist volunteer>
Medical Services
Language Services
Anti-doping control

I heard that the Tokyo Olympics might start hiring the volunteers next year. It's much earlier thatn the Rio. Or Rio is very slow? I have no idea though.

Aug 22, 2014

The IOC critisizes the PyeongChang Organizing Committee

According some news sites,
The IOC is heavily critisizing the PyeongChang Organizing Committee for its lacking sense of responsibility and its low level of understanding of tasks/jobs.
Because here are a lot of problems, such as the delay of venue construction and securing sponcers.
The IOC suggested many times that the PyeongChang Organizing Committee should commission the preparation tasks to an expert group which the IOC recommends, even though it has to pay a hefty fee.

The World Cup Brazil had similar problems. In fact, some facilities were under construction during the Workd Cup was being held. And it has a bigger problem. Refer to my previous article.

The Rio Summer Olyimpics is also of concern like the World Cup Brazil.

The PyeongChang Winter Olyimpics is OK?!?!

The World Cup Russia has a differnet issue. Due to the Ukraine crisis, some Europian countries claimed that Russia's right to host should be deprived. Even an opinion that Germany and France can hold instead came up.

The Tokyo Olympics!!!
Should conduct risk management!

Use money for athletes! not for bureaucrats!

I wrote in this blog that Tokyo Governor, Yoichi Masuzoe was planning revisethe venue plan because of its expensive cost.


I thought that it was good. However, money is going to be used for other things.

The Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee is moving its office to the Toranomon hills.
Toranomon hills was recently bult in the center of Tokyo and is now a hot spot. Of couse it's very expensive! Does their office need to be so luxury?

Also, TV news said before that Tokyo Governor was planning to build new a new guest palace in Tokyo, there has be one in Tokyo tough. He said he wanted Japanese style guest palace like one which is in Kyoto. What?!?!?!?!

The Organizing Committee office and the guest palace are mainly used by bureaucrats. Tokyo Governer will cut back on the sports venues and waste money for bureaucrats including himself?
Shame on you!