until Tokyo Olympics

Nov 15, 2014

Rio 2016 extends the deadline for volunteer applications.

Although the deadline was today, it has been extended by one month, which is 15th December.

Already, More than 160,000 people have registered for the 70,000 volunteer positions.

Why should it be extended?????
The people who have already registered might be disappointed. It can lead a decrease in their motivation.

Nov 2, 2014

Preparing big size beds for visitors

According to the Rio 2016 website, the organizing committee is preparing big size beds and other furniture for big size athletes.
The article;
Giant beds for giant athletes

Japan should prepare big size beds not only in the Olympic village but in all accommodations around Tokyo for visitors from all over the world.

I've always thought that beds in Hotels and other accommodations in Japan are too small for non-Japanese.

The photo is from the Rio 2016 site.

The importance of education/development for volunteers

On the Rio 2016 website, a Brazilian volleyball player Giba compliments volunteers.

The article from the Rio 2016 website
Volunteers keep us calm at crucial moments

Volunteers have such very important roles for Olympics' success.
That means, volunteers can ruin the event too.

I believe that accurate education/training for volunteers are vital. It would be ideal if I can be involved in the 2020 Olympics in the form of volunteer training taking advantage of my specialty, Talent and Organizational Development.