until Tokyo Olympics

Aug 13, 2016

The Opening Ceremony - Rio

It has been a week since the Rio Olympics started, which means it' already halfway.

Japanese athletes are doing very well so far, more than we expected. Great!!

I want to write about each event, but before that, about the Opening Ceremony!

I'm excited and very impressed whenever I watch Olympic opening ceremonies. So I was really looking forward to watching it.

This time, I'll write two things.

One is;

There are many Japanese immigrants and their children, grandchildren... in Brazil.
The history of Brazil was represented in the ceremony and it included the scene of Japanese people emigrated to Brazil.

(from: http://www.asahi.com)

 (from: http://www.chunichi.co.jp)

This part was represented at 8:15pm...... that is 8:15am 6th August - Japan time.

6th August is the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony is held every year, and a moment of silence is observed at 8:15am in the ceremony because it was when the atomic bomb was dropped.

It was intentionally staged.

The other is;

The Olympic cauldron. I like it.
In recent Olympics, Olympic cauldrons and the ceremony itself were getting more and more large-scale.
But this time, the Olympic cauldron seems simple and not so big, but actually it was designed intricately. Great!

 (from: http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kensyou_jikenbo)

(from: http://live.sportsnavi.yahoo.co.jp)

The producer of the ceremony commented four days before the ceremony.

"The Rio de Janeiro Olympics opening ceremony on Friday will break with the recent tradition of large-scale and expensive shows, featuring a low-emissions cauldron and an "analogue" experience."

(from the following article.)


1 comment:

  1. Good to know about this opening ceremony. Few weeks ago, my friend suggested some beautiful LA event venues and booked the best one. Arranged my office outdoor event by inviting all our colleagues along with their families. Had wonderful time.
